Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things are getting Fishy

Thomas, who is almost 4 but can't wait for 5!
I've been busy looking @ all sorts of fun birthday stuff!  There is a lot more information out there than I realized, which is good.  I like these websites the best, .  Both websites have really great ideas for parties and have great pictures to help give you some ideas.  I'm a visual person so pictures are great!

Frannie, simple & sweet!
                                                                                                                                         Thomas and I have been discussing his birthday A LOT!  He can't wait to be 4 so that he can be that much closer to being 5!  We had first thought about having a bug party for he and Frannie.  Stink bugs & Lady bugs, you figure it out.  But, given the fact that we are moving to an area with a pool, we have decided on a fish theme.
 Decorations will be different shades of blue balloons, streamers, tablecloths, etc..(don't worry I'll post pics).  Maybe some "real" fish in bowls. 
Cake or cupcakes, this is the question?  I've already established how much of a fan of Birthday cake I am. My favorite cakes come from Mickey's Special Affair in Little Rock. HUGE FAN!  They can do anything. BUT, I had a cupcake from the Blue Cake Company (also located in LR and create what look to be amazing cakes) and I must say DELISH!  My dilemma is that we have done Mickey's for the past 2 years for Thomas' birthday, I feel some loyalty to them.  Those cupcakes though were from Heaven I'm sure of it!  I'll let you know what I decide.  I could incorporate both if my budget will allow.
Other food/munchies, I've found the most wonderful little hotdog vendor "Green Cart Deli".  He has a little stand that he moves around to different locations and tweets where he will be that day.  He will provide everything, even dessert if you want.  But, again, budget. He's getting me a quote together.  I like this idea because it will save me from buying all that unnecessary food and clean-up.
Party favors and I have a love/hate relationship.  I love to give them, but I hate when my kids get them because it's just more useless junk that gets thrown into the already ridiculous amounts of junk.  So, I'm on the hunt for something fresh!  
In lieu of presents, I've found some really great charities:  Humane Society of Pulaski County, Arkansas Foodbank Network, Our House, Centers for Youth and Families, Candlelighters of Central Arkansas are a few that I've found.  The trick here will be finding one that will leave an impression with Thomas and Frannie, mainly Thomas.  I just really feel that it is important to instill this virtue early.  I see so many kids in need and so many kids who have so much and take it for granted.  I want more for my kids and I want them to have a heart and compassion for serving others.
As soon as this move is OVER!  Party planning will be in full gear!  Get ready to get your party on!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Super Hero's, Pirate's, Mermaids,Princesses, Fish, Bugs OH MY...

I LOVE EVERYTHING Birthday!  Who wouldn't?! I have been loving all the ideas that have come from friends and in the middle of the night @ 4 AM (those are the best). Super Hero's, Pirates & Mermaids, Fish, Bugs, Knights & Princess, Candyland (Okay, can I say YUM!!), just to name a few.  

Also, God has really been speaking to me about teaching my kids to serve and give to others (Romans 12:10, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves." John 15:12-13, "Christ's command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.") Instead of them receiving birthday presents, which they will love in the moment but not appreciate, ask that their guest bring items to give to charity (books, clothing, canned food, dog food (thanks Sharon), collect $ for Heifer, military,etc...).  It's just something that God has REALLY been laying on my heart and in this day and age I feel it's important that they learn early how important it is to think of others first.

Now, I'm going to take these ideas and run!  Cake ideas, party favors, games/crafts, decorating ideas, locations,etc...Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Big 1 and 4

So, I have been scouring the internet, looking through magazines and everywhere in between (okay maybe not everywhere) searching for GREAT joint birthday ideas since my kids share a birthday month.  Only to realize that there aren't that many resources or ideas out there for boy/girl birthday parties.  I'm looking for ideas that will incorporate both boy and girl parties.  I have yet to find anything super spectacular!  Let's face it, you want your birthday to be SPECTACULAR, or at least I do.  Which led me to start this blog.  I'm going to create ideas for my kids birthday and share them with you and hopefully you'll share some ideas too.  

I will take ideas like dinosaur and ballerinas and create a birthday party that boys and girls will enjoy!  Or something like that...

By the time it is all said and done there will Spectacular birthdays to be shared by all.